Spider Glossary

Wolf Spiders

Wolf Spider

A big, hairy, fast-crawling spider spotted out of the corner of your eye could be a wolf spider. Wolf spiders, unlike other spiders, scrounge the floor for prey as opposed to in a web; therefore, it is not uncommon to spot them around your home. What Are Wolf Spiders? Wolf spiders belong to the Lycosidae …

Wolf Spiders

Cellar Spiders

Cellar Spider (Daddy Long Leg)

If you’ve ever gone into your cellar, attic, or basement, perhaps to pull out old boxes in-between seasons, chances are you’ve run across a small tan or gray spider with a little body and pronounced long legs, called a cellar spider, or most commonly known as a daddy long-leg. Or, maybe you’ve had to brush …

Cellar Spiders

Orbweaver Spiders

Orbweaver Spider

Chances are, you have observed a spiral wheel-shaped web hanging over or in your garden with a large, perhaps rather brightly colored spider perched in the middle, which was most likely an Orbweaver spider. Orbweaver spiders are common to the United States, Canada, Hawaii, and Alaska and can usually be found in gardens, fields, and …

Orbweaver Spiders

Black Widow Spiders

black widow spider

Physical Characteristics – The Black Widow is commonly identified by its most-recognized feature: two red triangular markings down its round, black shiny abdomen; the marking bears a resemblance to the silhouette of an hour-glass. Surprisingly, the red hour-glass marking is what distinguishes a female Black Widow Spider from a male Black Widow Spider. Much smaller …

Black Widow Spiders